News – Tagged "Mold" – Bad Axe Products

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Article 32, Bad Axe, Bad Axe Restoration Products, Michael Pinto, MMR, MMR mold stain remover, Mold, New York, NY Article 32, NY mold program, Source Removal, The Peculiar Place of Mold Stain Removers in the Restoration Industry, White paper -

Questions regarding the use of mold stain removers answered in new report by industry expert Michael Pinto.  Frankfort, IL, May 2, 2018 Back in 2016, New York State’s Department of Labor began enforcing Article 32 of the agency’s new Mold Program. It established licensing requirements and minimum work standards for professionals engaging in mold assessment and remediation inside the State of New York. Now, two years later, a litany of questions about the products and chemicals that can now be utilized still abounds. Questions about the use of chemicals are in relation to the New York law which states: A mold...

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Bad Axe, Bad Axe Restoration Products, Glug Glug Challenge, Mold, Monty, ONSLAUGHT, ONSLAUGHT disinfectant, ONSLAUGHT EPA-registered disinfectant -

Improper dilution of concentrate chemicals can lead to loss of efficacy.  The "Glug, Glug" method of estimating chemical quantity during the mixing process is probably more prevalent than anyone would like to admit.  It's an inaccurate and unacceptable standard that can have negative consequences on job site outcomes. Watch as Monty from Bad Axe Products challenges contestants to accurately pour cleaning products based upon the "Glug, Glug" method. Very funny, yet informative.  

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Bad Axe Particulate Conqueror, Bad Axe Restoration Products, Containment, Michael Pinto, Mold, Source Removal, White paper -

Containment and source removal are vital parts of mold remediation projects.   Bad Axe Restoration Products commissioned Michael Pinto, CSP, CMP, Chief Executive Officer of Wonder Makers Environmental, Inc., to create original research that would clearly define effective methods for particulate control in the indoor environment and demonstrate how those efforts pertain to containment and source removal, and in turn, the resulting impact on project outcomes and clearance. This research appeared in the IICRC's Summer 2017 Journal of Cleaning, Restoration and Inspection.  It also appeared in the September 2017 publication of R&R Magazine. The research corresponded with our release of Bad Axe Particulate Conqueror. Read the white...

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